A focus on change, healing,

and recovery with our

One-Week Intensive Program.

With the experience of nearly three decades of working with clients challenged by a stroke, brain injury, or neurological diagnoses, we believe that using an intensive model proves most effective. our One-Week Intensive Program is a more efficient delivery of our services and is designed to increase the opportunity for intensity and repetition in the clinic and to optimize change over time. By maximizing both the facilitation and repetition of movement, our One-Week Intensive Program promotes positive change in the whole body. It’s a therapeutic process that is based on the rapidly expanding understanding of the brain’s ability to recover various processes and function through what is known as neural plasticity.

Our One-Week Intensive Program is built around four key goals:

  1. Increasing functional use of the more affected side in order to re-balance the body for movement in daily life.

  2. Improving balance and stamina for home skills and a continuous return to community life.

  3. Including whole body work, stretching, strengthening and cardiac fitness to optimize body confidence in movement.

    Developing a collaborative home program that emphasizes the work in the clinic.

Along with the work in the clinic, there is also a shared responsibility by every patient to supplement their in-clinic experience with consistent work at home while integrating new and learned movement into daily life. The expectation to continue to work beyond the one-week intensive session and outside the clinic while at home helps to further optimize your recovery and confidence with movement.

Our One-Week Intensive Program is available in two different formats extending over five, mid-week days.*

Option 1: 20 hour week. (OT and/or PT) 2 hour morning, rest period, and 2 hour afternoon session. Cost: $2,700/week
Option 2: 10 hour week (OT or PT) 2 hour morning or afternoon session daily. $1,500

*On-going maintenance therapy is available at $150/hour.

The facility is welcoming, clean, and safe and both Pam and Carrie are skilled, thoughtful and fun to work with. This is a great place if you are willing to do the work required to recover from stroke.
— Quote Source